Phoenix Wrongful Death Attorney

Compassionate and experienced, we represent families who have lost loved ones due to the wrongful actions or negligence of others, seeking justice and fair compensation.

Losing a loved one is an experience that leaves an indelible mark on the hearts of those left behind. The pain multiplies when that loss is due to someone else’s negligence or wrongful actions.

As Phoenix wrongful death lawyers, we understand the profound grief and devastation that families face in these circumstances. We recognize that no compensation can ever heal the wounds of such a loss.

Seeking justice through legal recourse can provide a sense of closure and accountability. Our Phoenix wrongful death attorneys can help put your life back together.

We advocate for those who have lost their voice to honor the memory of your loved one and to ensure that their legacy is one of justice and accountability.

Phoenix Wrongful Death Guide

Why Choose Kurtz Riley Law Group?

Kurtz Riley Law Group, founded by Austin Kurtz and Brian Riley, embodies legal excellence and unwavering dedication to clients.

Austin Kurtz, renowned for his tenacity, is a trial lawyer of remarkable skill, mastering even the most complex cases.

Brian Riley complements this with strategic brilliance and an empathetic touch, unraveling legal complexities with finesse. Together, they form a dynamic duo ready to tackle any challenge.

At Kurtz Riley Law Group, we’re more than just lawyers—we’re fierce advocates for justice, standing by your side and fighting relentlessly for your rights.

Time is precious in legal matters, and we pledge swift, effective action to secure the best possible outcomes for our clients.

From the initial consultation to negotiations with insurance companies, we handle every aspect of your case with precision and care.

Our motto, “Let lightning strike and justice roll,” encapsulates our proactive approach to every case we take on and has resulted in great customer reviews.

With Kurtz Riley Law Group, you never face the storm alone. Our team provides unwavering support, ensuring you feel confident and empowered throughout your legal journey.

Contact us today and take the first step towards securing your rights and achieving the justice you deserve.

Frequently Asked Questions About Wrongful Death Cases

What is a wrongful death claim?

A wrongful death claim is a civil lawsuit filed when a person’s death is caused by another party’s negligence or intentional act. In Phoenix, AZ, wrongful death attorneys help surviving family members seek compensation for their loved one’s death.

Who can file a wrongful death lawsuit in Phoenix?

Under Arizona law, the personal representative of the deceased person’s estate can file a wrongful death action. This is often the surviving spouse, child, or parent of the deceased.

What compensation can be recovered in a wrongful death case?

Wrongful death settlements may include compensation for funeral and burial expenses, medical bills, lost income, loss of companionship, and mental anguish. In cases of gross negligence, punitive damages may also be awarded.

How long do I have to file a wrongful death claim in Phoenix, AZ?

Generally, you have two years from the date of death to file a wrongful death lawsuit. However, this can vary depending on the circumstances. Consult with experienced wrongful death attorneys promptly to ensure you meet all legal deadlines.

How is a wrongful death case different from a criminal case?

A wrongful death suit is a civil lawsuit seeking financial compensation, while a criminal case aims to punish the offender. A wrongful death case can proceed even if there’s no criminal case pending or if the defendant was found not guilty in criminal court.

What types of incidents can lead to wrongful death claims?

Fatal accidents, medical malpractice, dangerous drugs, and intentional acts can all potentially lead to wrongful death lawsuits. An experienced wrongful death lawyer can help determine if you have a valid claim.

How do wrongful death attorneys in Phoenix prove fault?

To win a wrongful death case, the plaintiff’s attorney must prove that the defendant owed a duty of care to the deceased, breached that duty, and that this breach directly caused the person’s death.

Can I file a wrongful death claim against government entities?

Yes, but these cases often have special rules and shorter time limits. Consult with Phoenix wrongful death lawyers experienced in handling claims against government entities.

How long does a wrongful death lawsuit typically take?

The duration varies greatly depending on the complexity of the case and whether it settles or goes to trial. Your wrongful death attorney can give you a better estimate based on your specific situation.

What if multiple family members want to file a wrongful death suit?

In Arizona, multiple family members may be entitled to compensation, but typically only one wrongful death action can be filed. An experienced wrongful death attorney can help navigate this situation.

How much does it cost to hire a wrongful death lawyer in Phoenix?

Most wrongful death attorneys work on a contingency fee basis, meaning they only get paid if they recover compensation for you. Many offer a free consultation to discuss your case.

Remember, wrongful death cases are complex and emotionally challenging. It’s crucial to work with experienced wrongful death attorneys in Phoenix who can guide you through the legal process while you focus on healing. Our law firm is here to help you seek full and fair compensation for your loss.

What is a Wrongful Death in Phoenix?

In Phoenix, Arizona, a wrongful death occurs when a person loses their life due to the negligence, recklessness, or intentional misconduct of another party. This legal concept allows surviving family members to seek justice and compensation for their loss through civil action.

Key aspects of wrongful death cases in Phoenix include:

Legal Definition

Under Arizona law, a wrongful death is one caused by “wrongful act, neglect or default” that would have entitled the deceased to file a personal injury claim had they survived.

Eligible Cases

Wrongful death claims can arise from various situations, including car accidents, medical malpractice, workplace incidents, defective products, and criminal acts.

Filing Parties

In Phoenix, the personal representative of the deceased’s estate typically files the wrongful death lawsuit on behalf of surviving family members.


Damages may cover medical and funeral expenses, lost wages, loss of companionship, and the family’s pain and suffering.

Statute of Limitations

Generally, wrongful death claims in Phoenix must be filed within two years of the date of death, with some exceptions.

Burden of Proof

The plaintiff must demonstrate that the defendant’s actions or negligence directly caused the death.

Distinction from Criminal Cases

Wrongful death is a civil matter, separate from any criminal proceedings that may arise from the same incident.

An experienced Phoenix wrongful death attorney can provide guidance tailored to your specific situation and help navigate the complexities of these emotionally challenging cases.

How Can a Phoenix Wrongful Death Attorney Help?

After a wrongful death, a compassionate and skilled wrongful death attorney is pivotal.

Here’s how Kurtz Riley Law Group helps you:

  • Evidence Collection: We gather all evidence, including accident reports, witness testimonies, and surveillance footage, to establish liability and hold the responsible party accountable.
  • Negotiations With Insurers: Dealing with insurance companies is overwhelming, especially when they attempt to minimize compensation. Our attorneys handle all communications and negotiations with insurers, ensuring you receive the full and fair compensation you deserve.
  • Comprehensive Compensation: We work for comprehensive compensation to cover all expenses from the wrongful death, including medical bills, funeral costs, lost income, and compensation for the emotional pain and suffering of the surviving family members.

Are you ready to take the first step towards justice for your loved one? Contact Phoenix personal injury attorneys at Kurtz Riley Law Group at (623) 303-5754 for a free consultation.

Let us provide you with the support, guidance, and advocacy you need to navigate this challenging time. Your rights are our priority, and we’re here to fight for the justice your loved one deserves.